
The world health organisation recommends pregnant and lactating women need iodine.

5 reasons why all females should eat more seaweed

Females of all ages need Iodine found in seaweed.  Two thirds of Western women are iodine deficient and don’t know it. The symptoms of iodine deficiency are weight gain, intolerance to cold, fatigue and weakness, mild depression, hair loss, problems in pregnancy, memory problems, changes in heart rate and irregular periods.   Research suggest 76% Read more about 5 reasons why all females should eat more seaweed[…]

eurofins EU Monitoring Recommendation for Metals and Iodine in Seaweed and Halophytes

EU Monitoring Recommendation for Metals and Iodine in Seaweed and Halophytes

            On March 21st 2018 the European Commission published with its Recommendation (EU) 2018/464 the call for the monitoring of arsenic (preferably total arsenic and inorganic arsenic), cadmium, iodine, lead and mercury (preferably total mercury and methyl mercury) in the following products: Edible halophytes, such as Salicorna europaea, Tetragonia tetragonoides Seaweed species, reflecting consumption patterns Read more about EU Monitoring Recommendation for Metals and Iodine in Seaweed and Halophytes[…]

Jamie Oliver’s seaweed diet

Written by Alice Smellie – Daily Mail – 2015 Jamie Oliver last month attributed his recent weight loss to seaweed, calling it ‘the most nutritious vegetable in the world’. And he is not alone in believing so – seaweed is fast becoming the greatest trend in food since Oliver brought the word ‘pukka’ into common Read more about Jamie Oliver’s seaweed diet[…]